Personal/Health Care Kits
Each year during Lent, the congregation collects the items needed to create Lutheran World Relief or NALC Disaster Relief Care Kits. Working with partners across the globe, LWR distributes kits to some of the world's most vulnerable people. Angola, Ethiopia, Iraq - our kits have gone there.
H.A.R.P. Mission
Most years, our church joins other churches from the Michigan Mission District on a mission trip to Caldwell, Ohio. There we work with H.A.R.P. (Helping Appalachian Rural People) to complete a variety of service projects. In 2019, several of our youth built decks and learned to lay flooring.
NALC Disaster Response
Peace is an active supporter of the NALC Disaster Response, which mobilizes when there are natural disasters within the United States. In addition to providing financial support, Peace has sent a team to work at the NALC Disaster Warehouse in Ohio as well as to help build a local warehouse in Owosso, MI.
LWR School Kits
Education is key for breaking the chains of chronic poverty, which is why Peace also creates Lutheran World Relief School Kits. In 2019, our kits went to Lebanon, where there are more than 1.5 million refugees from Syria and Palestine in need of basic necessities.