our ministries
At Peace Lutheran Church we strive to live as disciples of Christ, and to serve one another and our community. Below we've highlighted ways we follow this mission. Click on the headings for more information about each topic.
At Peace we believe frequent prayer is a vital part of our spiritual lives. We have a Prayer Group that meets at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays via Zoom to pray for the needs of the congregation. In addition we have an Intercessory Prayer Team that prays over special needs. To send a prayer request, click here.
Christian Education
At Peace, you'll find education programs for all ages and all stages of faith development. To see our current Christian Education offerings, click here.
Community service
The people of Peace are generous with their time, talents and treasures. Our congregation is always looking for new ways to serve our neighbors. Click here to learn more.
The NALC has embraced the concept of Faith Webbing - intentionally surround youth with a web of faith by creating meaningful relationships across the generations of the congregation. Peace puts Faith Webbing into practice with monthly Family Fellowship activities. We also offer a newly updated nursery for younger children and community events to reach out to children without a faith home. To learn about our youth activities, click here.
Maybe you can't make it to church on Sunday. Maybe you'd like to check us out before you visit. Whatever the reason, we'd love to have you listen to one of our sermons. Click here to hear this week's sermon.
Peace offers a rich tapestry of music and many opportunities to get involved. Our choir practices weekly during the school year and sings twice a month during worship. We also incorporate lots of special music. Our young people play their instruments, community members sing for us and the adult musicians in the congregation perform often. Click here, to get involved.