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our history


Peace has a multi-dimensional Lutheran heritage. The ministry was officially recognized as an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation on Oct. 31, 1993. But many of our founding members brought the traditions of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod with them. 

The fledgling church began meeting for Sunday worship at a local Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Feb. 7, 1993. The church officially incorporated as Peace Lutheran Church in July 1993. The members of Peace were soon eager to build their own church. In 1995, the congregation purchased 4.72 acres of land in St. Joseph, Mich.,  on the northwest corner of Maiden Lane and Lincoln Avenue. Later, it purchased an additional 3.4 acre parcel. 


On May 11, 1998, the congregation broke ground for the current church building. On Christmas Eve of that year, the congregation had its first worship service in the new church with 377 people in attendance.

In 2011, unhappy with the direction that the national ELCA was heading, the members of Peace voted to join the newly-formed North American Lutheran Church.

In 2016, the congregation called Pastor Steve Hartten to be its fourth full-time pastor. 


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