Family Fellowship
During normal times, we plan a cross-generational Family Fellowship event each month. While the activities are targeted at our youth, everyone in the congregation is invited to attend. Past events include movie outings, pool parties, bowling, roller skating, bonfires and snow tubing.
Youth Bible Class
They said they wanted to sleep in. So, our Middle School and High School Youth meet for Christian Education on Sunday mornings following worship. Over lunch, the group tackles a variety of topics. This group is not currently meeting due to COVID-19, but will return when they can.
For our youngest visitors, Peace offers a newly updated nursery. This room provides a safe place for children who need a little extra room to wiggle. A live television feed of the service keeps those in the nursery plugged in to what's happening in worship.
Faith Webbing
We call it “Faith Webbing.” Peace has embraced the NALC's vision of wrapping our children and youth in a web of faith so loving and so caring that they will know Jesus and always want to be a part of a local congregation. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child. From a spiritual perspective, we believe it takes a congregation. A congregation dedicated to filling the relationship voids of our children and youth. For more on Faith Webbing, click here.